We just had a case of a male, intact adult cat brought in on a Thursday who hasn't peed since Monday. He is on dry cat food and stays indoors most of the time.

Upon palpation of the abdomen, the bladder was fully distended and quite firm . Here, one can see the gloved hand, outlining the bladder.

A cystocentesis was done to relieve the cat from its discomfort.

Bloody urine was removed (about 25 mL at the start).

And finally, a Tom Cat catheter was inserted, bloody urine aspirated and the the bladder repeatedly irrigated with sterile saline.

This was one of the urthral plug dislodged from the cat. Poor thing.
(Follow-up: cat is doing good three weeks after the initial presentation.)
what is the cause for this? is is because the cat is only on dry cat food only?
diet is an important factor in urinary obstruction in cats. bacteria may also induce one type of uroliths, altho in small percentage - and this was not what we found in this cat.
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