Wednesday, July 16, 2008

family tree (pero pie)

This is our family tree in a pie shaped presentation (draft).

The middle of the "pie" are my maternal great-great grandparents (Paulino Abigania and Romana Rafanan), who fortunately, had only 4 children - thus the pie was easily divided into four.

I know one cannot read from this, but it shows the distribution quite well... and it also shows in which branch of the family I still lack in information. So, more job for me then.

As this is just a draft, I plan to transfer this to make a blue print out of it for ease of reproduction for distribution (?) to interested family members.


Unknown said...

I am SO interested to have a copy...and willing to help you gather more data.:-)
I'm just an email/text away.:-)

Marianne Leila said...

ok.... will email. yung kay manang arlene at papa ben, may correction na agad. :-)

rickydmd said...

That's a GREAT idea ... using a "pie" instead of a "tree". You get to see the generations as they emanate from the center.

Marianne Leila said...

got this idea from Balay Negrense(?), Silay City

Descendants of Amado G. Santiago

Descendants of Paulino Abigania

music i like