Monday, September 29, 2008

PAHA post-graduate course

Just attended the Phil Animal Hosp Assoc's post-graduate course on Emergency and Critical Care with guest speakers Dr. Katrin Swindells (UMurdoch - in blue scrubs) and Dr. Sarah Haldane (UMelbourne - in green scrubs).

It was a very informative-filled two days with
confirming what we know [i.e. blood typing before transfusion, among others],
unlearning what we have learned [i.e. doxapram for neonates is a no-no now, among others],
actually seeing what we just read in books [i.e. CVP in dogs]
etc... etc... etc.

Here is Dr. Andrew, putting on the central venous catheter (in a just-euthanatized dog) - with Dr. Sarah guiding him.
That's Dr Sonny in the background (in brown) who is instrumental in bringing in the two guests from Australia. As Dr Katrin said - he did the "cajoling, pleading and urging" to get them here.

And Dr. Raymond being guided by Dr. Katrin on how to attach a thoracotomy tube (again, on the same just-euthanatized dog).

Other things we did on the poor dog: endotracheal entubation, urethral catheterization (this was a female dog), venous cut-down, abdominocentesis and gastric lavage.

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